Thursday, May 01, 2008

Configured Dual-Head By Myself :-)

Yey! I was able to set-up dual-monitor on my newly-formatted laptop all by myself! I didn't need to ask for help from our great sysads, JM and Ealden. I can still do sysad work! :-) It took me 7 hours of my otherwise productive time doing my real job (boring management work) Thanks a lot to the ThinkWiki website.

The key issue I had was setting the "Virtual" entry. I blindly set it to "2048 2048" like the article said, not knowing that I was setting the total dimension of the two desktops combined. I set "Virtual" to "2720 900" and then xrandr worked fine after that.

Update: Was now able to configure my Logitect Marble Mouse to use the small scroll buttons by following this very simple this How-To.


  1. Woah! 7 hours just to configure a dual head??? In Windows it just takes me seconds to do this :)

  2. @jojo: I heard it's easier now with Hardy Heron. It now comes with a graphical tool for xrandr.
